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Products & Services

Tophay  Group
Specializes in cultivation,harvest,storage, and the handling of hay forage. It has an 80-acre compressing plant, which is designed for the productivity of 100,000 metric tons annually.
​캐나다, 미국 자유 농장, 생산, 국제물류, 통관, 판매, Door to Door 조사료 판매 업체 TOPHay.
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Timothy Hay 티머시 

Timothy grass is one of the most popular cool-seasoned perennial grasses. Timothy is highly palatable to livestock and produces high-quality forage for hay and grazing. It is a premium feed for horses and calves. It is known for being rich in nutrients and high forage quality.

Timothy grows best on rich, moist bottomland and more exceptional textured soils, such as clay loams. The best quality is found in colder climates and mountain areas. Timothy grass does not tolerate drought and periods of prolonged high temperatures above 25℃ degrees.

The highest quality of Timothy hay is typically harvested at the early flowering stage when it is rich in nutrients and is very tender. The quality of hay may degrade as the plant matures past the blooming stage, so it is essential to harvest the hay at the proper time in the growth cycle. We always strive to produce the best quality and highest nutritional value hay by harvesting our hay at an early point of maturity.

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Alfalfa hay 알파파 

Alfalfa hay is an essential component of most animal diet; it contains a high volume of protein, helping animals gain faster, produce more milk, and maintain themselves in better condition.

 Alfalfa hay has more than twice the calcium of other grass and is easily absorbed into the body, supporting growth and development of healthy bones and hooves. It also provides a variety of minerals and vitamins that animals need.

Our alfalfa hay mostly grows around 43 degrees North Latitude and at the 1,700m of the high-altitude desert of the USA. There are only 3-4 cuttings per crop year. Rich soil, perfect temperature, and high elevation are very suitable for the growth of alfalfa hay.


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